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A good education is a foundation for a better future. - Elizabeth Warren
The Parent Hui cultivates the community and bridges the relationship between Malamalama Waldorf School families, the faculty, and the administration. As one of the three pillars that make up the governing structure of our school, Parent Hui aims to support students, the faculty, and the goals of the school.
We do this through:
• Thoughtful discussion at monthly meetings
• Welcoming and orienting new families into the community
• Parent education of Waldorf philosophy and Anthroposophy
• Creation of volunteer opportunities and family events
• Assisting with school festivals and faires
• Soliciting and providing parent suggestions or concerns for school improvement
• Providing a social gathering hub for parents
• Building relationships with the broader community outside MWS
• Supporting teachers by appointing class reps to foster direct communication
The Parent Hui is dedicated to the improvement of Malamalama Waldorf School for the betterment of our students and our families.
Please consider joining us for one of our monthly meetings throughout the school year.
We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 2:45-4:15 in the Kinderhale Lilikoi Yard.
Any questions about us or concerns can be addressed to:
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